Diepsloot X 8
New Castle
South Hills |
Annexure A - CV-GTheron-2011 sus
Annexure B1(a) - Geotechnical investigation
Annexure B1(b) - Geotechnical Figure
Annexure B2 - Mid-slope seepage investigation
Annexure E - Heritage Assessment
Annexure G(a) - Bulk services report
Annexure G(b) - Services layout
Annexure H - Electrical services report
Annexure J - Cover Townplanning motivation
Annexure K - Draft EMP - Diepsloot X8
Appendix 1a - proof of site notices
Appendix 1b - Diepsloot Site notices report 06.2012
Appendix 1c - I&AP registration form - Diepsloot
Appendix 2 - BID
Appendix 3a - Ad
Appendix 4
5a - PP Meeting
Appendix 6 - CRR
Appendix 9 - I & AP register
doc to Lebo Molefe CoJ
BID document to City of Johannesburg 20.06.2012
BID document to Johannesburg Water
BID document to ward councillor
comment Draft scoping
Comment on Scoping report from Jhb Water 24.07.2012
Correspondence with Joburg Water i.r.o Scoping report
Diepsloot - PPR - Draft EIA 09_2012
3b - Beeld Ad
E-mail Diepsloot X 8 - Minutes of Public Meeting - 17 07 2012
E-mail from E Allers of COJ
E-mail from T & L Phillips
E-mail to I&APs comment period Draft Scoping Expired 14.08.2012
E-mail to I&AP's Draft scoping available for comment
GT e-mail to Joburg Water 06.08.2012
reply to Jhb Water comment
Info to D Thabe (ward councillor)
Info to Northern Farms Recreation
to Prof CM De La Rey
Phillips - Registration form
Please send request
for the following files
Annexure B1(b) - Geotechnical Figure
Annexure C - Odour Assessment
Annexure D1 - SAS ecological assessment
Annexure D2 - Northern Farms Bullfrog Habitat Assessment
Annexure F - Transportation Assessment
Annexure J - Townplanning motivation
Appendix 5b - Diepsloot X8 PPM Presentation 2012.07.17. gtpptx 1
Diepsloot Draft EIA2
E-mail to I&AP's comment period for draft scoping expired 15.08.2012
Info to Rhenosterspruit Nature Conservancy
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